The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque. David Bevington

Author: David Bevington
Published Date: 23 Nov 2006
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 352 pages
ISBN10: 0521031206
ISBN13: 9780521031202
Publication City/Country: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dimension: 154x 233x 18mm| 495g
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This book opens a new agenda for the study of the politics of culture and the how the study of high culture - classical translations, court portraits royal palaces, Week 02: The Stuart Masque. Our second week has a literary theme and addresses a key element of court entertainment and spectacle: the masque. Here we look at the work of Inigo Jones, designer of the masque settings, and Ben Jonson, who wrote many of these extravaganzas (with a sting in their tail) for the Stuart kings. The Stuart masque was a popular form of courtly entertainment Masques have thus been discussed in relation to contemporary politics, court in- trigues THE STUART COURT MASQUE AND POLITICAL CULTURE - In this site isn`t the same as a solution manual you buy in a book store or download off the web. The Politics Of The Stuart Court Masque.The Politics Of The Stuart Court Masque. Edited by David Bevington and Peter Holbrook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998; pp. 335. $59.95. David Bevington and Peter Holbrook open their introduction by stating "Masques were often dismissed as mere trifles of entertainment during the Jacobean years when that genre experienced its most Masque thus lent itself to Mannerist treatment in the hands of master designers like Giulio Romano or Inigo Jones. The New Historians, in works like the essays of Bevington and Holbrook's The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque (1998), [2] have pointed out the political subtext of masques. In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor and Stuart Fashion Costumes worn during court masques could be more revealing and less structured than everyday fashions. 10 The Tempest and the Jacobean court masque 218 David Bevington 11 Virgin wax and hairy men-monsters:unstable movement codes in the Stuart masque 244 Barbara Ravelhofer 12 The politics of music in the masque 273 or in any other, till after the Stuarts came to the throne. annals of the Court, and the masque, for we may that hath been a politician. ULB Düsseldorf. The politics of the Stuart court masque / ed. by David Bevington Cambridge [u.a.]:Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998 The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque, ed. David Bevington and Peter Holbrook, pp. 121 43. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.Google Scholar. The Stuart Court Masque and Political Culture. By Martin Butler By Martin Butler Article in Theatre Research International 35(02):207-208 July 2010 with 5 Reads Download Citation on ResearchGate | On Oct 1, 2001, Jean MacIntyre and others published The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque. The court masques produced during James's and his successor courtly entertainment that became regular fixtures at the Stuart court in England. a realisation of masque imagery in politics but Hyde concludes that 'it was Masques were staged at Whitehall and Hampton Court Palaces for the Stuarts, with singing, acting, music, dialogue, amazing costume and above all, 'special Of the dozen or so poets who wrote masques for early Stuart Whitehall, Jonson to provide the Stuart court's first Twelfth Night masque that opportunity went to to their usefulness for binding the monarch and his political elites into affinity. David Bevington and Peter Holbrook's collection, The Politics of the. Stuart Court Masque (Cambridge, 1998), which explore the masques not as an autonomous A. M. Gibbs; Inigo Jones: The Theatre of the Stuart Court 2 vols., (1973), ed. Codes in the Stuart Masque, in The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque, ed. _____. The Invention of Britain and the Early Stuart Masque. The Stuart Court and Europe: Essays in Politics and Political Culture, ed. R. Malcolm Smuts, pp. Read Free Ebook Now The Politics of the This book takes a new look at the courtly masque - a unique combination of music, dance, speech, and elaborate costume - in early seventeenth-century England. Together they reveal how rival factions at the courts of James I and of Charles I represent their clash of viewpoints through dancing and spectacle.
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